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19th August 2020, Wednesday

It was a night of a very good sleep, deep and restful. I haven't slept that well for a very long time. Must be due to the acupuncture treatment, I felt very tired and sleepy yesterday, retired to bed rather early and had a proper sleep with long but not absurd, not scary dreams. Woke up at 4:15 am, did a dry brush massage for the neck that feels very stiff in the mornings, took a cold shower and feeling very calm started with exercising. Relevé, battement tendu, stretching the calves, yoga breathing exercises standing and sitting, and spine alignment, 45 min in total. Off to the café at 5:40 am, on our way I told V where wild blackberry grows so in a day or two we'll get there to pick some berries. There's an abandoned house and a secret staircase between its abandoned overgrown old garden and the next building. I often use this passage to get from Srbina to Orjen Batallion st. but the bushes are too high for me to pick those lovely blackberries. It's a shady place so they are not dried up by the sun, really good.

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